FOUNDER – Daniel L Stanton - CEO/Director

First, you say why me into HEMP??? Okay, when I was 10 years old, in 1958, in the 4th grade I remember my history book talking about how valuable HEMP is and how many products it provides our economy. That was the last time my history books mentioned Hemp. Later that year I remember seeing a television report about the evil weed marijuana. This was the weed from the Devil himself and if you smoked it you surely would go to HELL.

Then in 1965, when I was 17 years old, a person I knew just came back from Vietnam. He had some stuff you smoked and it made you feel fantastic. Something better than alcohol because you got happy, not dizzy and there was no hangover. That was for me, but when I found out it was marijuana I said, "Can you get addicted to this?" I was told NO! When I turned 51 in 1999 I quit smoking marijuana in one day with no withdrawal and no regret. When I was 29 years old I quit smoking cigarettes. I smoked them for 19 years. This was the hardest habit I ever had to quit. I used marijuana to help me quit cigarettes.

HEMP is GOD’S GIFT to the World. It’s not from the Devil and you won’t go to HELL for using it. I’m doing GOD’S WILL to help bring back his valuable plant to everyone for all the good it has to offer.

Organization Capabilities:

I am fully capable of managing the HEMP VOICE INC opportunity. I have an extensive background as a leader in For-Profit and Nonprofit Corporations.

In 1972 I attended Spokane Falls Community College. I was an active member of the Young Democrats campus organization. While in the organization I was on the Executive Board of Directors of Washington State Young Democrats, the President of the Spokane Young Democrats. I brought the Young Democrat State Convention to Spokane, Washington. At the Convention, I gave the nominating Speak for Ron Dotzouer, who became President of the Washington State Young Democrats. Also, I became a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Convention.

In 1974, while attending Eastern Washington University, I became an active member of the Vet’s Co-op, a Nonprofit Corporation established to help campus Veterans with campus housing and other services. I was elected CEO/President of Vet’s Co-op and conducted many community fundraising events.

In 1976 I left college and moved on to found a For-Profit Corporation, Primo Productions Inc. Initially, this Corporation was a music promotions company. I expanded its purposes because of several factors; EWU added a state-of-the-art music-recording studio and invited me to bring talent to record a single record release free of charge.

My contacts in the local music industry were extensive. I know the best Rock and Roll booking agent, Michael Cavender, who provided me with the best local original writing and music production talent. I knew the program director, Larry Schneider, of the best Rock and Roll FM radio station, KREM, and he told me to bring a single product with good quality and sound he would play it.

So I added Primo Sound Records and Tapes and Inland Northwest Publishing to Primo Productions Inc. I registered Primo Sound Records and Tapes with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and registered Inland Northwest Publishing with Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) for royalty collections of music airplay.

As a member of RIAA and Executive, CEO/President, of Primo Sound Records and Tapes, President Jimmy Carter invited me to a reception at the Whitehouse. This is for the RIAA helping get him elected. The reception was a small attendance of 125 Record Company Executives. At this time Primo Sound Records and Tapes had a full fresh new album released. I gave Amy Carter, President Carter’s daughter, a copy of this album. After the reception, I receive a thank you letter from the Whitehouse Correspondence. Also, during the existence of Primo Production Inc. Billboard Magazine came to Spokane, Washington to interview me. This interview was published in Billboard Magazine. This project ended late in 1979.

In 1979, being an Entrepreneur, I started looking for another project. A New Law was passed In Washington State where Divorce became Marriage Dissolution. Under this New Law, anyone could prepare Marriage Dissolution Documents. This gave me the idea that I could do this to help other individuals with a no-contest Marriage Dissolution. So I started Washington State Marriage Dissolution Service. At the end of 1979, I moved to Seattle, Washington. And opened an office in the Pioneer Building in Pioneer Square in downtown Seattle two blocks from the King County Court House. I owned and operated this Para-legal service until 1986 when I sold it.

In 1984, I was working an extra job at a Gold Trading Brokerage Firm. I came to work by 6 am. One morning a Co-Worker, Ted Dupee, who read the Wall Street Journal every morning, said, “ Dan you know there needs to be a THE SOFTWARE JOURNAL reporting on this booming personal computer industry.” I said, “ Good Idea Ted let me see what I can do.”

Later that day, while I was working at the Washington Marriage Dissolution Service, I started calling Printers. When reached The Grange Printing and told them of the idea they said, Let's meet today and see what they can do.” So, they were close by, and I made an appointment to come right over. At this meeting, they explained how they work with the computer magazine called Commodore and how successful it is. They like my idea and said, “ We'll work with you and give you 6 months of credit.

The next morning I came to work at the Gold Trading Brokerage Firm and said, “Ted I have a printer for THE SOFTWARE JOURNAL to be printed as a tabloid newspaper now I need an Editor. Will you do this job?” Ted was shocked but said YES! Here we go my first magazine experience. Thus, launch THE SOFTWARE JOURNAL. To launch the first issue we had to call software producers and ask them to mail us their News Releases. When there was enough material for the printing of the first issue Grange Printing took over to layout that first issue. Initially, there were just a few thousand first issues printed. The printing was used solely for promotions to establish national distribution and advertisers.

A national distributor was contracted and advertisers showed interest. We started printing monthly 100,000 copies to be circulated throughout the United States to bookstores, groceries, and other outlets. After the 2nd release results were coming in about the sell-through of that was released. This number was low as we were questioning why and hired a magazine consultant to establish why? The consultant’s findings were that 80% of what was distributed was ending up in the shredder because THE SOFTWARE JOURNAL was a tabloid and it didn’t fit on the magazine rack. This ended THE SOFTWARE JOURNAL.

I decided to start working on PETITE Magazine and I moved to Los Angeles, California where I believed I would find the talent and financing needed to bring this magazine about. Two issues of PETITE Magazine were released in Los Angeles but it ran into some issues. So in 1994 I moved back to Spokane, Washington, and continue to work on the re-launch of PETITE Magazine via the Internet. PETITE Magazine was not reprinted so in 2000 I stopped pursuing this project.

At the end of 1999, I returned to EWU to pursue a bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with a Major in Management Information Systems (MIS). I graduated in 2002 and obtained enough Accounting Credits to qualify to sit for the CPS test. But to guarantee I would pass this test I needed to pay upwards of $4,000 for a test review. Because of my age at this time, it wasn’t practical to be a junior CPA. Currently, I am attending Grand Canyon University (GCU) online for a Master's in the Science of Information Technology Management.

On August 24, 2014, I founded JESUS GIVES (http://jesusgives.net) a Nonprofit Washington State Corporation, to bring aid to the Philippines. The first cause of aid that is most needed is nutritional food. JESUS GIVES  is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation. During my time off I’ve been working to establish a Nonprofit Corporation, JESUS GIVES, to bring aid to the many needy people in the Philippines.

On June 30, 2016, I founded HEMP VOICE® INC to promote the use of hemp for Commercial Manufacturing and all its many uses. I figured this was the best time to enter the market because it is on its way to being legal in the United States again. Initially, rather than burning a lot of capital on building new hemp manufacturing facilities, I thought it would be more advantageous to launch the media for Hemp;  HEMP VOICE® Magazine and  HEMP VOICE® TV then follow that with a "one-stop-shop for everything hemp"  HEMP VOICE® Store. 


Co-Founder Riza Lumbab - CFO/Director